Fordham Brewing

1284 McD Drive
Dover, DE 19901
(302) 678-4810 Visit Fordham Brewing on Facebook Follow @FordhamBrewing on Twitter

You have to hand it to Queen Anne; she knew way back in 1703 that you couldn’t start a colony without good local brews.  That’s why she asked young Benjamin Fordham to start a brewery in the new port of Annapolis. Benjamin’s passion and dedication to making the highest quality brews were evident in every pint and the colony flourished!

Almost 300 years later, Fordham brewing was re-born in the heart of Annapolis in 1995.  With the ever-increasing demand, this frothing Fordham giant was more than our small brewery could handle. In an effort to provide more people with our brews, our plucky staff grabbed our recipes and moved Fordham to its new castle in Dover, Delaware…a brand new stainless steel castle of opportunity!

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