10/18 4:01
Talk about "The Distance Between Us" with @reynagrande and @bcplinfo 10/21 on Twitter. Use #1MD1Bk to join in ow.ly/COFRB
10/18 10:01
Still want to ask @reynagrande a question? @bcplinfo hosts a Twitter Chat 10/21 at 12:30pm using #1MD1BK ow.ly/COFk1 @readstreet
10/17 1:07
On 10/21 at 12:30 pm ET, participate in our live chat with @reynagrande! Use #1MD1BK to send questions in advance or during the chat.
10/16 12:57
The new blog from the @bcplinfo is out, featuring DR. MUTTER'S MARVELS! Read it here: ow.ly/CS6Vh
10/17 8:47
Teenage secrets provide the backdrop for @TanaFrench’s latest psychological thriller "The Secret Place." bit.ly/1vE8637 @VikingBooks
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