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The Great Pumpkin Carving Contest!

Date: Thursday October 16, 6pm-Judging at 8pm

Location: Mahaffey’s Pub - 2706 Dillon St Baltimore, MD 21224 - Get Directions

Cost: Pay as you go

Website: Mahaffeyspub.com

Categories: Special Event

If you like pumpkin beers, this is the place to be! We will have pumpkin beers on from a few different breweries! And we aren’t just drinking pumpkin beers, we will be carving them too!! If you would like to join the contest, bring your pumpkin and carving gear to the upstairs bar. We will start carving at 6pm and the judging will be at 8:00pm! Prizes will be awarded to the top 2 contestants! A small prize will also be awarded to each contestant!!