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Sierra Nevada Baltimore Beer Week Feature & Raffle

Date: Friday October 10 - 19, Open to Close

Location: Alexander’s Tavern - 710 S. Broadway Fells Point, MD 21231 - Get Directions

Cost: Pay as you go

Categories: Daily Special

Each day all day during Baltimore Beer Week, Alexander’s will be featuring 4 different Sierra Nevada’s on draft for only $3.00.  With each purchase you’ll be given a raffle ticket for your chance to win one of three prizes to be given away on October 25th at 8:00pm.  Prizes include a gift card to Alexander’s, Beer and some awesome swag… and a trip for two to WISP resort with lift tickets for two and overnight accommodations.  MUST BE PRESENT AT DRAWING TO WIN!.  hope to see you there…  Here’s to BEER!