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Mahaffey’s Pub 2014 Passport Challenge!!

Date: Friday October 10 - 19, open - close

Location: Mahaffey’s Pub - 2706 Dillon St Baltimore, MD 21224 - Get Directions

Cost: Pay as you go

Website: mahaffeyspub.com

Categories: Daily Special

Can you complete the challenge? 21 beers in 10 days? Well if you are up for a challenge, this is it! Starting on Friday October 18th, and continuing each day during Baltimore Beer Week, we will have a featured Brewery or “Theme”. You must drink beers from each event. They will be listed on your passport. Pick up your passport the week before, or on the 10th! If you complete the challenge, you get a free beer and an awesome 2014 Mahaffey’s Pub BBW challenge t-shirt!