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Date Night: Stein, Wine or Demitasse Cups

Date: Friday October 10, 7pm - 10pm

Location: Baltimore Clayworks - 5707 Smith Ave Baltimore, MD 21209 - Get Directions

Cost: Fixed Price - $90

Website: baltimoreclayworks.org/class/mtclasses/Summer_2014/where_to_begin/DN_DateNight_Cup.html

Categories: Seminar / Workshop

Clay for two is an experience that can bring people closer through shared creative art-making. Couples will experience this class taught by professional and patient instructors. Participants will use the basic principles of hand-building – pinch, soft slab, coil and stamp - while having fun in our relaxed classroom environment.  Students may select glaze finishes for pieces from our selection of oxidation color palette, all materials and firing included.  Please allow a minimum of 2-3 weeks for drying and firing of finished work.  Participants may bring specialty bottles of beer or wine and light hors d’ oeuvres to complete the experience. One day. Three hours. 
Fee: $90 couple