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https://www.maxs.com" title="View event website" target="_blank">“Come to Crow” Meeting

Date: Monday October 13, 2pm - 5pm

Location: Max’s Taphouse - 737 S Broadway Baltimore , MD 21231 - Get Directions

Cost: Pay as you go

Website: https://www.maxs.com" target="_blank">https://www.maxs.com

Categories: Special Event

Ever wonder how a distributor works or what goes into being a brewery rep, stop by any find out. We will have Matt Crow from Bond Distributing here along with a bunch of his brewery reps. Mingle, have a beer, ask some questions..

Some of the brewery reps that will be attending:
Flying Dog, Shiner, Brewers Art, Yards, Terrapin, DuClaw and many more….