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Chilibrew VIII by Baltibrew

Date: Friday October 10, 7pm - 10pm

Location: Zion Church - 400 East Lexington Street-City Hall Plaza Baltimore, MD 21202 - Get Directions

Cost: Fixed Price - $25

Website: baltibrew.org/chilibrew

Categories: Homebrew Event

It’s time for our 8th celebration of the DIY spirit!  Presented by the Baltibrew, Brewtherville Labs, and Lady Brew Baltimore homebrew clubs, the Charitably Charmin’ ChiliBrew is an informal charity homebrew competition and chili cookoff, now benefiting Jubilee Arts, BYKE Collective, and CUPs Coffeehouse, and sponsored by Nepenthe Homebrew, Union Craft Brewing, Blue Pit BBQ, Rye Craft Cocktails, Maryland Homebrew, and Baltimore Clayworks.

This fall we will be gathering Friday, October 10th at Zion Lutheran Church (400 E Lexington St, Baltimore, MD 21202) from 7pm to 10pm! Last year we had 60 entries and 600 enthusiastic judges.  That’s right, YOU choose the winners for 3 competitions: homebrew, veggie chili, and meat chili.  A 3-judge panel composed of local food/beverage personas will also make their top picks.

Anyone can compete in the ChiliBrew, and everyone can judge!  Just looking for a good time with good food/brews/all of the above?  Get a ticket, and come on out!  Got a killer family chili recipe or brew your own beer?  Register as a competitor, and bring it on!  Involved with some other hobby or organization that Does It Together, here in Baltimore?  Share the love!  We want to bring people interested in all aspects of local lifestyles together to cross-pollinate and build community.